如果有以下症狀 請自我隔離14天
If you have the symptoms as following Please be self-quarantined/isolated at home for 14 days
- 發燒 Fever
- 咳嗽病徵 Cough
- 呼吸困難Shortness breathe /Difficulty breathing
- 喉嚨痛 Sore throat
- 四肢無力 Feel weak
- 喉嚨發炎Throat inflammation
- 頭痛Headache
- 拉肚子Diarrhea
- 肌肉痠痛Muscle aches
- 疲倦 身體虛弱Fatigue
- 胸腔部位疼痛Severe chest pain
- 呼吸困難/閉氣無法超過10秒 difficulty breathing (for example, struggling for each breath, cannot hold breath for more than 10 seconds)
【冠狀病毒症狀Symptoms of Cororvirus(COVID-19)】英文說法可以是以下
- Self-isolation 自我隔離 (居家隔離)
- Self-quarantine 自我隔離 (檢疫隔離)
- Self-assessment自我檢測
- The patient has been sent into quarantine 病人被送往隔離所
- We need to kick off preventative measures. 我們應該啟動預防措施、防護措施
- The coronavirus outbreak has been spreading over the world 病毒迅速蔓延至全世界
- The Incubation Period of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) From Publicly Reported Confirmed Cases 冠狀病毒潛伏期已確認病例
- How to prevent not be infected with the virus is our major subject 如何預防部要感染上病毒是我們首要的課題
- It is helpful and interesting to track the transmission patterns through a coronavirus map. 透過冠狀病毒症狀地圖追蹤病毒傳染分佈概況十分有益又有趣。
- The White House has advised people not to gather in groups of more than 10 people 白宮建議民眾不要參與十人以上的活動
- There is currently no vaccine for coronavirus 目前尚未開發出治療病毒的疫苗。
【你有感冒的症狀? Symptoms of cough 】
- He is under the weather. 他不大舒服。
- He has a runny nose, sneezing or a scratchy throat. 他打噴嚏 流鼻涕,喉嚨沙啞。
- He has a persistent cough. 他不停地咳嗽
- He has a fever, aching muscles, and hacking cough. 他發燒、肌肉酸痛,還伴隨乾咳
- He feels drowsy, dizzy and nauseated. 他覺得昏昏欲睡、頭暈目眩、噁心
- He has a sore throat and a stuffy nose. 他喉嚨痛與鼻塞。
- My stomach doesn’t feel good. 肚子不舒服
- His symptoms include loss of appetite, weight loss, excessive fatigue, fever, and chills. 他的症狀包括沒食欲、體重減輕、無力、發燒、發冷。
- Wash your heads at least 20 sec. 勤洗手 每次至少20秒以上
- Wear Medical Mask 戴醫療性口罩
- Refrain from traveling to risk area 避免去危險地區旅遊
- Avoid crowded places 避免聚集人群多的地方
- Avoid contact with wild and domestic animals. 避免與野生動物接觸
- Clean AND disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. This includes tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks,
- Self Care for coping life 自主健康管理
希望大家平安 健康
喜歡我的分享 歡迎按讚分享